Friday, August 12, 2011

The Demands of High Standards - Demand Media Studios Review

Writing jobs are a welcome challenge for experienced as well as newbie freelancers. They are a means to make money online. As much as one would like to work from home through writing and earn decent pay, it’s just not possible if a writer is not given a page… or even a small portion of a webpage.

Browsing through the net to find myself another employer, I came across a review on Demand Media Studios. A writer remarked how difficult it was to have her piece approved for publication. When after six tries her topic got the thumbs up sign, the piece was returned a couple more times for rewrite. She was weighed down by frustration before she got published. Many who read her article left comments that generally meant she was lucky to have her work published at all, and some even envied her writer’s fee. She did make money online but it was a tough process.
Demand Media Studios piqued my interest. I learned it is a website that publishes articles of high standards. Promising writers still need a great resume and quality writing samples before they are accepted into the community. Those who work from home would do well to hone their skills and rise up to the challenge because writers of high caliber are paid high enough to compensate the demands of Demand Media Studios.
If you would like to take up a challenge of freelance writing that could potentially make you an income, try writing for Demand Media Studios.


1 comment:

  1. I read all your entries on this blog site and I find them very informative. These are topics I've been wanting to read about. I am particularly intrigued with what you wrote about Demand Media Studios that I read further on their website and some reviews. High standards such as theirs would be great for writers of top caliber. What other sites do you recommend?
