Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another way to make money online: Triond

Triond gives you the freedom to write whatever you want

A lot of people nowadays are going for employment on the web because they are presented with varied opportunities to make money online. In times of recession, many have opted to work from home. Many companies employ writers to provide content for their website, with the main goal of increasing viewer traffic. The fact remains, not everyone ends up with a success story. However, despite numerous rejections, there is still hope of getting published.

A person could choose to work for Triond. It is an assemblage of websites that welcomes anyone who could do a decent article about any topic. The site publishes the topic on the website having the same content category, which could be health, creative writing, movies, music, science and news, among others. It pays according to the number of views the article generates. An article revealed that the site pays fifty percent of the profits from the ads on the same page. An author for Triond enjoys freedom with his writing jobs, has full rights to his work and may publish it on different sites afterwards.

Therefore, in these difficult times, a person still has a choice about how to make money online. He can work from home, and write to his heart’s content. I myself have written on Triond and it is quite satisfying. Your dashboard tells you what topics people are searching for to see what you should write about to get more views, and it also tells you what words people searched for that led them to your articles. The websites your articles are published to are legit websites that rank in Google. So you could generate an income with Adsense through Triond. 

If you would like to try writing for Triond, go to http://www.triond.com/

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